Danville, California

640 sqft ADU

2,365 sqft of SIPs

Walls: 6” R-24

Roofs: 8” R-32

Our expert team of architects skillfully transformed a city of Danville pre approved stick frame ADU design into a sophisticated Preflex SIPs building for this build in Danville, CA. This 640 sqft ADU not only has spacious interiors but is enveloped in an impressive 2,365 sqft of SIPs, the walls use a 6” R-24 and a roof of 8” R-32, combining innovation with function.

-640 sqft ADU
-2,365 sqft of SIPs
-Walls: 6” R-24 -Roofs: 8” R-32

Our expert team of architects skillfully transformed a city of Danville pre approved stick frame ADU design into a sophisticated Preflex SIPs building for this build in Danville, CA. This 640 sqft ADU not only has spacious interiors but is enveloped in an impressive 2,365 sqft of SIPs, the walls use a 6” R-24 and a roof of 8” R-32, combining innovation with function.

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